
We performed transcriptome-wide m6A and m6Am methylome profiling and uncover the distribution and regulation of m6A and m6Am across human and mouse tissues

Our new paper entitled “Landscape and Regulation of m6A and m6Am Methylome across Human and Mouse Tissues” has been published in Molecular Cell (

We report the m6A and m6Am methylome through profiling of 43 human and 16 mouse tissues and demonstrate strongest tissue specificity for the brain tissues. A small subset of tissue-specific m6A peaks can readily classify tissue types. The overall m6A and m6Am level is partially correlated with the expression level of their writers and erasers. Additionally, the m6A-containing regions are enriched for SNPs. Furthermore, cross-species analysis revealed that species rather than tissue type is the primary determinant of methylation. Collectively, our study provides an in-depth resource for dissecting the landscape and regulation of the m6A and m6Am epitranscriptomic marks across mammalian tissues.

m6A and m6Am modifications are species-specific and show strongest tissue specificity for the brain tissues. Heatmap and dendrogram of Spearman correlations of the m6A levels (A) and the m6Am levels (B) of the matched tissues between human and mouse.